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Network of experts on intra EU mobility – Lot 2 Statistics and compilation of EU level and national data 

Client: EC DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Duration: Dec 2017 – Dec 2021

Partners: HIVA-KULeuven, IRIS Ghent University and Milieu Ltd (partners). Szeged University, ICON and Eftheia (subcontractors)

Geographic coverage: EU Member States + EEA Countries

The Network of Statistical Experts on Intra-EU mobility is an independent research network coordinated by HIVA KULeuven and composed of expert teams from the various partners and subcontractors. The network’s main tasks consist of collecting statistics in the fields of social security coordination (SSC), free movement of workers (FMW), fraud & error (FE) and labour shortages and surpluses. With regard to SSC, the project involves the provision of reports annually presenting available data, collected by the Network, and analysing relevant information and statistics related to statistical indicators for which data is collected at the EU level, both within and outside the framework of the Administrative Commission for the coordination of social security systems (AC). For the AC data, this includes notably the analysis of questionnaire replies of Member States representatives on defined aspects of the functioning of the coordination regulations (e.g. portable documents A1, S2, U2, EHIC etc.). The Network also provides the EC with advice on how the framework of data collection in the field of SSC could be improved to best respond to the obligations set out in the relevant EU Regulation.

With regard to FMW, the Network conducts a yearly qualitative analysis of the replies to the questionnaire addressed to delegations in the Technical Committee on Free Movement of Workers on available data sources at national level, and prepares the annual report presenting national data sources. Moreover, and based on this work, the Network updates and revises the relevant content of the existing Compendium of data sources on EU citizens residing/working in other EU Member States.

With regard to FE, the Network analyses Member States’ replies to an AC questionnaire established further to AC Decision H5, and prepares on that basis the annual report on national action plans and cross-border cooperation against fraud and error. Finally the Network also compiles and publishes an annual report on labour shortages and surpluses in the EU. Eftheia is providing support in the project management and quality assurance of the deliverables of this network.

European Social Affairs, Management and Communication
Research, policy analysis, training, capacity-building, information sharing and communication activities
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